May 5, 2024

What’s Growing!

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Garden!

I hope you all had a wonderful winter and are as ready as I am for the Garden to get going! I will be leading Garden Days on the first, third, and fourth Saturdays this month from 10am to 1pm, with the first two focusing on getting the garden cleaned and set up for the year and the last Saturday focusing on planting. We will spread compost, pile the green matter into the compost bins, clean up any trash, and, most exciting, set up the bean, pea, tomato, and cucumber trellises!

I am also looking for watering volunteers who are willing to adopt a bed and water it once a week at your convenience. Depending on the size of the bed, this takes 15-30 minutes each week. 

If you have visited recently, you will have seen the new arch trellises which were put up last week with help from The Element students. The students were a huge help and also cleared up the old plants and leaves. You may also have noticed the bright update to the compost bins. Doors on the bins make it easier to get in and turn the compost, a quality of life improvement that I really look forward to!

Thank you to everyone who has donated and made these updates possible! The Garden depends on your generosity, especially for larger projects like these.